9.11.2024 - 30.11.2024
In November, we welcomed Bergen-based artist Tobias Kvendseth to Kiosken, where he opened an exhibition as part of his residency. Antiseeds opened on the 9th of November and ran until the 30th November - with an artist talk on the 23rd with art historian Sissel Leknes.
Antiseeds is a sculptural typology based on the similarity between bombs and plant seed. The project explores where the threshold is for something to change from benign to malignant. Are we complicit in understanding how a form mirrors its function? Are our intentions exempt from our objects? To further explore this, the audience was invited to physically interact with the objects presented.
More about Tobias Kvendseth:
Tobias Kvendseth is Bergen-based artist from Trondheim with an MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergen. With a practice consisting of ceramics, installation and sound, he explores how form and sound functions as tools to investigate man-made environments, objects and internal states in sculptural forms and installations. With a focus on connecting concept and form, he works towards concretising abstract themes in an accessible way.
Photos and Interview to follow!