KIOSKEN Studio er et tverrfaglig formidlingsprosjekt hvor vi inviterer inn både kunstnere, designere, forfattere og håndverkere.
Gjestekunstneren tar plass i deler av Kioskens lokale i løpet av en måned, hvor vinduene vil brukes aktivt til å stille ut prosessen av arbeidet deres i løpet av den tildelte måneden.
KIOSKEN Studio ønsker å gå i dialog med nabolaget og de forbipasserende til å få innsikt i prosessen, og underveis i prosjektet også invitere publikum inn til kunstnerpresentasjoner og arrangement i samarbeid med kunstneren.
KIOSKEN Studio er støttet av Bergen Kommune, Kulturrådet, KORO og Vestland Fylkeskommune.
Gjestekunstneren tar plass i deler av Kioskens lokale i løpet av en måned, hvor vinduene vil brukes aktivt til å stille ut prosessen av arbeidet deres i løpet av den tildelte måneden.
KIOSKEN Studio ønsker å gå i dialog med nabolaget og de forbipasserende til å få innsikt i prosessen, og underveis i prosjektet også invitere publikum inn til kunstnerpresentasjoner og arrangement i samarbeid med kunstneren.
KIOSKEN Studio er støttet av Bergen Kommune, Kulturrådet, KORO og Vestland Fylkeskommune.
Laurie Lax & Audrey Hurd
Laurie Lax (UK) studied Electronic Literature after completing her Masters in Fine Art at the University of Bergen in 2018. She is interested in community building through art and currently co-runs aerial, an artist-run space in Bergen with a focus on socially engaged art practices. She works with sound, drawing and writing, and most of Laurie’s projects are concerned with relationships and the ways in which people communicate. Laurie also produces prøverommet, an events programme for artists to test out new ideas.
Audrey Hurd (Canada) completed her Masters in Fine Art in Bergen in 2019. She has a background in printmaking, ceramics but currently works more with drawing, sound and sculpture. Her work focuses on touch as a means of understanding. In 2017 she began ‘The Bedroom Residency’ which has hosted nine artists, inviting them to prioritise rest over productivity. She has co-produced workshops, events and publications as part of TEXSTgroup between 2016 and 2019.
"In early 2020 we were invited to take part in KIOSKEN Studio with a project called 'The Neighbour', developed out of the close dialogue we have cultivated as artists, friends and neighbours. We had planned a sound installation made out of glass. Since then, as for many people, our worlds were turned upside down and inside out. For a start, we are no longer neighbours but perhaps this is the least significant change of all. We will use our time at KIOSEN Studio to help each other reflect on what happened, to reconnect to our individual practices, to return to the dialogue that was cut short due to the pandemic.
Each day we will take turns to bring an object to the table for discussion and play. Through drawing and writing rituals, we will develop new material triggered by these objects. We might end up with drawings, words, a sound installation made of glass or a punk band. The important thing is that we will become neighbours again, using KIOSKEN as our temporary shared studio."

Foto: Johanne Karlsrud